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Listen, Consider and Feel to Reveal

Two challenges from the Newsletter

There were two challenges in Monday’s newsletter. One of them was about what you are willing to feel, and the other was about understanding that solutions are not outside of you. I will address both in more depth here.

What are you willing to feel? Understanding Emotional Bandwidth

Each person has an emotional bandwidth which represents a continuum of emotions that they are willing to feel and process. For example, some people avoid grief at all costs because it’s too painful and they use anger to cover it up. Due to not being willing to feel the grief their emotional bandwidth is cut short. In this scenario, their access to higher levels of happiness is also cut short. And as you can imagine, the person will not reach higher levels, like their personal power, tuning into their purpose or tapping into sustained joy in their life.

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The opposite scenario is when a person is willing to fully feel grief until it shifts. That active process releases grief and opens access to all the emotions above it in the diagram and lends itself to a more fulfilled life and a higher level of consciousness.

Know that your willingness to feel the worst emotions directly corresponds to your access to the highest levels of happiness. So now what? Let’s look at what many humans have done out of habit: we feel the tinge of pain and we run to get temporary relief.

The Trap of Temporary Relief: Solutions are not Outside of You 

If you are looking for temporary relief, you are human. We all need to feel the comfort of a band aid over a wound. Sometimes we need to silence the sound of our own obsessive thinking and see things from a different perspective even just for a few hours. Many of us live in the trap of temporary relief without realizing it.

We feel the ping of emotional pain and many of us head towards different types of temporary relief. We ingest things, whether it’s alcohol or medicine, we get very busy and in stay in constant motion, we try to meditate it away, or distract ourselves with social media, drama, and other adrenaline activities, and we spend years analyzing our problems. Some of us engage in workshops and books, and talk a lot about feeling better, but do not take the dive into the process that could truly lead us there. These are all ways to temporarily steer clear and cover up any pain that arises. Is that what you want? To spend your life grasping for tiny bits of harmony and ease, getting temporary relief until the next thing happens and it starts all over again? This situation is a circle and a trap. Anxiety, lack of energy and search for joy is signaling you to make a change. 

Your Questions Addressed

How can I tell if suppressed emotions are impacting how I feel and behave?

  • You can sense this when your habitual behaviors cause problems for yourself and others.
  • You want to change but have not been able to.
  • You feel a general unease, regular anxiety and want more joy in your life.

What if I cannot access the emotions I want to release? 

  • There are strategies to gently move you toward accessing and processing the emotions. Each newsletter will offer a strategy in this regard.
  • You can schedule a session to learn more about accessing the emotions, and the process that will bring you to what you want in this life.

You want out of the trap, and you have come to the right place. 

Stay tuned for the next newsletter which will illuminate ways in which you can start to make your way towards releasing pain and living more sustained levels of happiness.

If you want individualized help, contact me and we can schedule a session or I can help you find a resource.

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